
Strive 2024- 2027

Strive is a cross-border and cross-community, good relations programme for young people aged 14 to 24 led by Include Youth in partnership with Youth Initiatives, Newstart Education Centre, Northern Ireland Alternatives and Lifford Clonleigh Resource Centre. Strive is supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

We are delighted to have received PEACEPLUS funding (2024-2027) to allow us to deliver the Strive project! Strive is a cross-border, cross-community, good relations programme for young people aged 14 to 24 led by Include Youth in partnership with Youth Initiatives, Newstart Education Centre, Northern Ireland Alternatives and Lifford Clonleigh Resource Centre. Strive is an intensive youth-led youth work programme. It engages young people in a transformative process, focusing on five core strands: good relations, citizenship, personal development, positive progression and employability.

STRIVE will support 1,500 marginalised young people (aged 14-24) from NI and Donegal to build a safer, shared society. Over four years (Jan 2024 – Dec 2027), 1,500 youth will be recruited, with 1,200 completing at least 250 hours of support. They will form progressive relationships with peers in other communities, increase knowledge, and develop skills.

To find out more about our previous Strive project (2017-2022) click here!