
Annual Celebration Event Held to Mark Achievements of Young People!

“ I am thrilled to join today’s celebration acknowledging the remarkable achievements,  resilience and personal growth of the young people. This day not only celebrated their accomplishments but also highlighted the importance of recognising and nurturing the potential within each individual young person. An truly inspiration day! ”

— Diane Hill, Include Youth CEO

Annual Celebration Event Held to Mark Achievements of Young People!

Include Youth’s Give and Take programme in partnership with Western Health and Social Care Trust, hosted their annual celebration event in Fir Trees Hotel on Thursday 15th February.

Young people with care experience who are participating in the Give and Take programmes in Derry and Omagh, came together to mark all their incredible achievements throughout the year. From completing training and qualifications, partaking in volunteering, socials actions and work placements, the day celebrated the fantastic journey of growth each young person has been on.

Give and Take is a regional youth employability programme within the YouthStart partnership. YouthStart’s Give and Take programme has received £6m from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The progamme adopts a youth work approach and aims to build young people’s skills for life, learning and work.

There was a fantastic atmosphere in the room as the young people gathered to hear from special guests Tommy Canning (Northlands Centre), Include Youth’s patron, musician and comedian Emer Maguire, and former Give and Take participant and performer, Kevin McDaid. In Your Space Circus Skills also provided entertainment for young people to engage with making it a day to remember for all.


“This celebration of young people, showcasing all of their amazing achievements was absolutely wonderful! What made it even more special was the young people that were involved in the planning and hosting, as well as being some of the lead entertainers. The other entertainers and staff supporting the young people, helped bring the day together to be a success. Opportunities like this, shine a light on the resilience and determination of young people with a care experience and sets an example to all that goals and dreams are achievable. I’m looking forward to the next one already!”

— Natasha Duddy, Head of Service for Children Looked After & Leaving Care Western Health and Social Care Trust