
Big Day Out makes a comeback for 2024!

September 2, 2024


On Thursday 29th August over 140 staff and young people gathered from all our 10 sites across Ireland to revive the legacy of ‘Big Day Out!’ It has been 10 years from the last one and the team were determined to ensure it had the same feel good fun as always.

Inspired by the Summer Olympics, each team selected a country to represent and came kitted out ready to cheer their fellow team mates on. From soaking staff at the stocks, to tug of war, welly boot throwing, penalty competition to ole fashioned obstacle races, the competitive spirit was definitely on show.  We even ordered the Sun and blue skies for the day. There was such an amazing energy to the day as young people made some incredible memories. Many are getting ready to take their next step into education or training so this was a lovely way for them to start their new chapter.

The day was made extra special as we presented the overall winners, Ballymena Team, with The Paddy Mooney Memorial Trophy, in loving memory of our Paddy who always loved Big Day Out.


We want to say a special thanks to our charity partners Danske Bank and Corvus Recruitment for being their to support with the activities during the day. And a huge thanks to Gforce, Pizza Guyz, Colour Me Cute, Jo Jingles and Girdwood GLL for their support.


Here’s to Big Day Out 2025!

“What a day for all young people and staff as we all got into the spirit of Big Day Out! It was fantastic to see so much fun and laughter and of course competitiveness with the games. It was poignant to mark the occasion with the Paddy Mooney Memorial Trophy as it was a day he would have loved. Congratulation to Ballymena team, deserved winners. It was brilliant to have our charity partners Dankse Bank and Corvus recruitment get behind and champion the day, we greatly appreciate it.”